Entgeltfortzahlung Österreich

by Mourad El Bakry

Libraries & Demo


Continued payment of remuneration in Austria is regulated by law and for the determination and treatment in human resources is definitely not an easy task, you need a lot of attention to before working hours and the average income before each case of illness in order to calculate a fair daily rate, more precise documentation for used legal entitlements, whether it depends on the calendar year or the working year, whether it is for the employees according to the old legislation §8 Paragraph 1 and 2 or according to the equality with the workers.EFZ app is a kind of measurement and calculation preview when determining and recording for work prevention cases (sick or accident).Demo page with its own generator for the form data or user input, the resulting calculations can be seen immediately on the display, whether it is about the current payment or continued payment and you can change and compare the calculation type (calendar year or working year), you can take the holidays into account or ignore and draw a comparison.Statutory entitlement and remaining entitlement, when does half entitlement and sick pay begin.